Month of Fear – Week 3 “Sabbath”


Welcome to Week 3 of “The Month of Fear.”

You can also see Week 1, and Week 2, if you need to get caught up.

The challenge for Week 2, was Sabbath – Witches and Devils.

Here is this weeks quote curated by Kristina Carroll:

“Tis the witching hour of night,
Orbed is the moon and bright,
And the stars they glisten, glisten,
Seeming with bright eyes to listen…”
John Keats

To see all the amazing art CLICK HERE.

This week I selected seven paintings to talk about. It was actually REALLY HARD this week. Turns out, as I’m sure surprises no one, I LOVE WITCHES AND DEVILS!!! Face it they are cool. Apparently I’m not alone, as it seemed like all the participating artists turned in some awesome work. Because of that I had to overcome my desire to talk about all the art, and narrowed it down to seven.

Again in no particular order. Selected simply because I like them and felt inspired to write about them.

Elliot Lang – Lament


I had to get this one out of the way first… What the fuck, Elliot Lang. This is some seriously creepy shit. I can’t stop looking at it and it horrifies me. Reminds me of the weird paintings they would show at the beginning of “Night Gallery” by Rod Sterling. I want to watch the episode that comes from Elliot’s painting. Or maybe I don’t. Super scary and awesome stuff here. Painted in Oil. Well done Elliot!

Dawn Carlos – Witchy Hags in Witchy Rags


Great piece by Dawn Carlos. Done digitally. Not sure if she meant too, but I like the call out to Perchta of Southern German and Austrian folklore. Perchta is a witch with a long metal nose. I love the character these three witches have!

Jorge Mascarenhas – Let’s go to Mass, Poppy!


I chose this piece because it’s just so adorable. Two little girls on a run with the devil. Western culture seems fine when little boys act out, but we censor girls right from the start. Not sure if this is what Jorge intended, but it speaks to me as the father of a daughter, and as someone who likes seeing girls (and women) who don’t fit the cultural norm. Great piece Jorge! Let’s all dance with the devil!

Scott Murphy – Come to the Sabbath


I love Scott Murphy’s work. I own one of his original paintings. So maybe in biased, but damn this is a cool piece. Done in Charcoal with a bit of digital color. It’s also based on the old metal classic “Come to the Sabbath” by Mercyful Fate. Metal, witches, devils, great drawing, what more is there?

Tiffany Turrill – The Unseely Congress


Great piece and a great story! Tiffany captured that horrifying moment when you walk into the wrong conversation and heard the wrong thing. If they also happen to be dark fae or witches, then… your dead.

Reiko Murakami- The Scar


Digital piece by Reiko that’s both weird and wonderful. Really nice character design and execution. Really creepy stuff. Combined with the name it really gets you thinking. Nice work Reiko!

Ashly Lovett – Trial


Another awesome piece by Ashly Lovett. Done in chalk pastel. Obviously real witches capture a horrible transgression against women. Ashly handles that very serious and dark topic so well here. Very moving piece.


That’s the end for week 3. Next week What Lies Beneath…


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2 thoughts on “Month of Fear – Week 3 “Sabbath”

  1. Pingback: Month of Fear – Week 4 “What Lies Beneath” | An Artist's Journey

  2. Pingback: Month of Fear – Week 5 “Danse Macabre” | An Artist's Journey

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